The Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee has released a mapping tool to support the implementation of the National competency standards framework for pharmacists in Australia 2016  In developing the mapping tool, …

AHPRA has now published its National Boards fees for 2017/2018 And while fees were frozen for eight professions, pharmacy wasn’t one of them. The Pharmacy Board – as well as …

The specialist doctor only stopped after pharmacists pulled him up on his prescribing practices A Sydney psychiatrist has been suspended by AHPRA after a tribunal found him guilty of inappropriately …

Pharmacists can help support campaigns to raise awareness of women’s cancers, write Dr Esther Lau and Prof Lisa Nissen Connie Johnson lost her long battle with cancer last week. The …

Pharmacy is becoming corporatised across Australia and similar countries, warns Guild national president George Tambassis Mr Tambassis wrote in this week’s edition of Forefront that there are “a number of …

The Guild has launched a “thought-starter” paper to introduce a major strategic planning project which it says will help secure pharmacy’s future The paper, called Community Pharmacy 2025 – introduction, …

Pharmacists are a self-reliant bunch – but this means many don’t have solid coping strategies when they’re faced with stress The National Stress and Wellbeing Survey of Pharmacists, Intern Pharmacists …

A refugee immunisation app for healthcare practitioners takes out Brisbane’s Random Hacks of Kindness Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is a global movement of technologists who hack for good, hosting …

And adverse event reporting increased by more than 2,000 notifications, according to TGA’s latest stats Key observations for 2016-17 compared with 2015-16, provided by the TGA are as follows: 1. The …

Diet and exercise can help in the management of asthma, new Danish research suggests Small-scale research presented at the European Respiratory Society International Congress 2017 in Milan, Italy suggested that …

On RU OK? Day today, AJP takes a look at what’s stressing you out Following the release of the findings of the National Stress and Wellbeing Survey of Pharmacists, Intern …

How pharmacy handled Hurricane Irma; GPs and pharmacists scuffle over flu service; ‘errant’ Malaysian pharmacists threaten GP business Florida, US: The outpatient pharmacy at Florida Hospital Orlando was one of …