The TGA has advised on codeine stock management following the upcoming reschedule to prescription only The TGA has updated information for wholesalers, sponsors and retail pharmacies regarding the upscheduling of …

Do the “turf wars” between GPs and pharmacists really matter at the grassroots level? Every week, it feels like GPs and pharmacists are at loggerheads again – whether the issue …

Dr Google has 3.4 million searches per month on “how to get pregnant” – so what can you do in the pharmacy to help couples to conceive? AJP spoke with …

The most-clicked stories on in the past month… content is restricted to registered users only. If you have …

The Pharmacy Guild has extended its election period after the Australian Electoral Commission decided to expand eligibility to vote Honorary Life Members, who are not otherwise eligible for membership (i.e. …

Pharmacists may suffer great harm if they make errors, writes Curtis Ruhnau There has been much talk over recent weeks about pharmacist stress in relation to the National Stress and …

Government condemned over ‘tough love’ drug testing policy by Opposition Health Minister in Parliament—but Senate has recommended it be passed A Senate committee has recommended the “welfare reform” bill behind …

A Victorian man has been self poisoning with around 17.32mg of cyanide daily in a bid to fight cancer Apricot kernel is a “commonly taken extract” used for a range …

Australian pharmacy innovation has been highlighted in a global report launched today by FIP It’s a “powerful endorsement” of the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia’s role in driving pharmacy …

Applications for 2018 site accreditation open this week The SHPA Residency Program has seen a “hugely successful” inaugural year, says the organisation, with 30 sites and over 100 hospital residents …

Essays on health: Australia is failing new parents with conflicting advice – it’s urgent we get it right Much of the baby’s distress, as well as that of the parents, …