Low pay and under-recognition are part of the reason pharmacists are feeling stressed, one stakeholder warns The National Stress and Wellbeing Survey of Pharmacists, Intern Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students found …

Yen Yab’s pharmacy has been sitting empty since January… thanks to a quirk of the location rules Waverley Family Healthcare has submitted a petition to Health Minister Greg Hunt asking …

What drives a pharmacist to seek Guild elective office? Amanda Seeto says she wants to advocate on behalf of her peers and give all pharmacies a chance to survive and …

Pharmacy needs clarity and unity if it is to have a strategic approach to codeine rescheduling, says Rick Samimi The codeine rescheduling issue has been challenging for community pharmacy. Despite …

Pharmacists need to get off their “high horses” about pharmacotherapy, according to a pharmacist profiled by the ABC This week ABC News ran a feature on the “opioid addiction crisis” …

Guild Learning and Development is partnering with Care Pharmaceuticals in an online course titled Management of paediatric constipation This course examines some of the common causes of constipation in children, …

Pharma giant unveils new retail research lab that aims to give insights into shopper behaviour GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Consumer Healthcare has unveiled a new Shopper Science Lab in Singapore. A cutting-edge research …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news  Aging and extrapulmonary effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease People with COPD experience a decline in functional status including …

Does all the change in the pharmacy landscape mean we are moving on the right path? Some data indicates otherwise, says Glenn Guilfoyle   End of financial year data collected …

Barriers to ownership include resistance, judgement from both sexes… but things are changing, say women in the field On entering pharmacy ownership, NSW Pharmacy Guild Branch Committee Member Caroline Diamantis …

With the report to be delivered in less than two weeks, the Pharmacy Guild is counting on its strong ties with government to secure the current pharmacy model According to …

CSL has been ordered to pay eight weeks’ salary to a brand manager after it was found he was wrongly dismissed The termination was made against a background of alleged …