Rhinitis and asthma are frequently linked together and should be considered as a single pathology in approaches to thunderstorm asthma, say doctors in MJA InSight Referencing the “world’s most devastating …

Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy visited Priceline Pharmacy in Williamstown to encourage Victorians to get vaccinated Ms Hennessy highlighted the Victorian Government’s education initiative which saw more than 500 pharmacists …

The number of new flu viruses is increasing and could lead to a pandemic, say Australian epidemiologists C Raina MacIntyre, Professor of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, Head of the School of Public Health and …

“I can’t understand why pharmaceutical companies kept choosing product presentations that increase rather than mitigate medication errors. Though we have been so blessed with an array of colours to select …

Health Minister Greg Hunt is expected to announce additional funding to get a mandatory national real-time recording system up and running by the end of the year According to media …

An unusual case from France has highlighted the importance of medicine reconciliation, say experts A 66-year-old man with cirrhosis and chronic alcoholism was accidentally prescribed his dog’s medication when admitted …

It’s a decision that seems likely to split the profession: with low base wages already a significant problem, employee pharmacists are signalling that they may leave for good over cuts …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (Fish Oil) Supplementation and the Prevention of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease This review by the American …

Does a dedicated social media strategy offer benefits to a pharmacy? Chris Brooker investigates  The social media landscape continues to evolve rapidly for both consumers and businesses. With nearly three …

A Victorian man has been sentenced to two years and nine months in prison after he trashed a pharmacy and threatened staff with scissors Jeamy Olaa pleaded guilty to several …

The union for employee pharmacists has provided the Fair Work Commission with a major submission in support of lifting pay in the Pharmacy Industry Award PPA’s submission covers the expert evidence it …

PSA is providing advice and evidence to support a case to increase the Award wage for pharmacists PSA says it has agreed to be called as an expert witness in …