Complaints about an ad featuring animated human faeces have been dismissed by the Advertising Standards Board A television advertisement for Reckitt Benckiser’s VIPoo – which RB described on launch as …

The third winner of our AJP/RUM ‘Search for Australia’s Oldest Medicine’ campaign has been decided  This amazing bottle of Mother Siegel’s Curative Syrup, returned to his pharmacy by a customer …

As with the Catalyst statin debacle of 2013, Danish researchers have found a marked change in antidepressant usage following intense media coverage It’s no surprise the media has some influence …

Many consumers would like their pharmacist to be more active on social media, new research has found PrescribeWellness’ 2017 Pharmacy Social Media Survey has found that 78% of Americans would …

NAPSA says residency is a way of moving the entire profession forward The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association says that it supports The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia’s official …

A new digital service is able to provide 50% more home care hours to older people by harnessing technology Your older patients may be interested in a new service and …

Louis Roller takes a comprehensive look at the prevalence, causes and treatment of osteoporosis Osteoporosis is defined as a disease characterised by low bone mass and micro-architectural deterioration of bone …

Pharmacies will be down nearly $5000 a year, starting next week, it estimates From this Sunday 1 October the next Price Disclosure Cycle begins. Pharmacy Guild National President George Tambassis …

There’s just four more sleeps till we reveal our 10 Rising Stars of pharmacy – as voted by readers of AJP  It’s almost time to reveal AJP’s 10 Rising Stars …

Drug-induced deaths are at their highest rate since the late ’90s, new data from the ABS shows – but the profile of such deaths is very different “There were 1,808 …

Stakeholders are warning of the increasing danger heatwaves pose to human health, as northern regions swelter through an unseasonably hot September A Queensland University of Technology expert has warned Australians …

The 2017 flu vaccine was well matched to the circulating strains – yet appears to have been less effective than usual Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy said in a …