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AHPRA set to focus on practitioners who put profits before patient welfare  Emerging models of care designed to provide consumers with predetermined medications are raising concerns for healthcare regulators.   …

Insights from pharmacy bankers on the changing situation faced by the sector  Frank Sirianni, management consultant, Medici Capital ( says in the ever-evolving landscape of pharmacy businesses in Australia, staying …

We look at some of the recent changes to the medicines landscape, with new products, new indications, safety related changes and more New Products Finerenone (Kerendia) is a nonsteroidal antagonist …

Andrew McManus, Fred IT Group’s general manager service delivery, addresses the rising threat cyber criminals pose to Australia’s community pharmacy network and how to defend against attacks  “The risk is …

Australia needs to establish a telepharmacy policy and regulations to boost the use of services, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) NSW Branch Vice President, Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin, believes.   Dr …

The Ombudsman received a “record” number of complaints about the regulation of health practitioners over the past year, but how many related to pharmacy? This past financial year the office …

Its seven statutory committees will soon have 46 vacancies The Therapeutic Goods Administration is looking for applicants to join its seven advisory committees which consider the regulation of medicines, vaccines, …

Which story headed our top ten most read articles over the last month? Stories about crime and regulatory issues dominated our readers interest recently. However the top ten stories over …

Pharmacy Guild welcomes Budget business relief measures and digital support boost There were a number of measures designed to relieve the regulatory burden on small and medium sized businesses in …

Restrictions on alprazolam prescribing have failed to curb usage, with sales of bigger packs on the increase  Measures introduced in 2017 to prevent potentially harmful usage of alprazolam have failed …

Research shows communication about emerging safety risks of medicines is not consistent between countries… and the Australian regulator issued fewer warnings than other countries A new study has analysed how …

Queensland will suffer from government decision to reject a separate pharmacy council, says the pharmacy owner Earlier this year, the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention …