Yes, masks reduce the risk of spreading Covid, despite a review saying they don’t
Do face masks really work to reduce Covid transmission? C Raina MacIntyre and Abrar Ahmad Chughtai, UNSW Sydney; David Fisman, University of Toronto, and Trish Greenhalgh, University of Oxford take …
Vale Frank Ahern
Profession mourns the passing of a leading inspector and pharmacist Frank Raymond Ahern died on 15 December 2022 at the age of 93 years. Frank’s career in pharmacy began as …
APP 2023: The top twenty
Each year, APP chairman Kos Sclavos shares his highlights of the upcoming conference. Here are his top 20 sessions for 2023 Below are Kos’s top 20 picks for 2023 (in …
Be alert but not alarmed
Don’t get relaxed and comfortable in the dispensary, writes PDL… because many of the same errors keep being made In December 2020, PDL released a Practice Alert titled “Be alert …
The effect of COVID-19 on pharmacists’ role as immunisers
Researchers take an in-depth look at how the pandemic altered the landscape of pharmacist vaccination for good This article is the first in a series to reflect on the impact …
A new era for pharmacy and aged care
Evidence, expansion and individual care: A new era for on-site aged care pharmacists, says Juanita Breen The quality use of medicines (QUM), particularly psychotropic use, in residential aged care is …
A common mistake
There is a common error that many pharmacies are making with their marketing strategies, says Sarah Rendell Every January, many set both personal and business goals. From a business perspective …
Medicines update
Let’s take a look at the monthly update of new and altered medicine listings from MIMS Australia New Products Faricimab (Vabysmo) is a humanised bispecific immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) antibody that …
The weirdest science stories of 2022
The Australian Science Media Centre brings us its top 10 weirdest science stories of 2022… We all needed a bit of cheering up in 2022, and luckily there was plenty …
Aged care meds change on the horizon
What do the new guidelines on managing medicines in residential aged care mean for pharmacists? In November 2022, the Australian Government released new guidelines on medication management in residential aged …
We’re entering a new phase of COVID
We each have to assess and mitigate our own risk. But how? asks Hassan Vally, Deakin University The Australian government’s latest COVID management plan, released yesterday [12.12.22], maps how the …