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Therapeutic Update

As medicines experts, pharmacists are integral to the multidisciplinary, person-centred approach that enables safe and high-quality transitions of care. By Dr Margaret Jordan BPharm, MSc(Res), PhD, Advanced Practice Pharmacist, FAdPha, …

As gene therapy advances, so too does the critical role of the pharmacist in the provision of this therapy. By Kerry Watts FANZCAP (Compound., Research), Senior Project and Policy Officer, …

Psychedelics are known to elicit altered states of consciousness, but can they provide therapeutic benefit? By Dr Martin Williams, Executive Director of Psychedelic Research and Science and Medicine (Prism Limited), …

With medication having limited benefits on the progress and treatment of dementia, there is rising interest in non-pharmacologic treatment options. This article examines one option: reminiscence therapy. By John Wilks …

Liquid medications are designed to provide an ‘easy to swallow’ alternative to solid medication dosage forms and have added benefits of rapid absorption. However, for people with dysphagia, which affects …

Drug delivery science is constantly changing healthcare. In many cases these changes are minor and iterative. Every so often, however, we are faced with a paradigm shift that necessitates a …

With more than 50% of all hospital admissions being for people aged 65 and older, understanding age-related functional, cognitive and social factor changes and their impact on medication use is …