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Scope of practice

Guild issues rallying call for pharmacists to become Australia’s first choice for vaccination services  Pharmacy owners are being urged to continue the promotion vaccination services, as the Pharmacy Guild of …

Politicians back pharmacists to provide more services ahead of Northern Territory election  Pharmacists’ scope of practice is set to be an election issue when NT voters head to the polls …

Patients in North Queensland are already benefiting from improved access to healthcare through pharmacist prescribing services, the state’s Health Minister says  Empowering pharmacists to treat common health conditions will ensure …

Rapid increases to the RPMA could see regional pharmacies that receive funding come under the microscope, Guild warns  Owners of pharmacies receiving the Regional Pharmacy Maintenance Allowance (RPMA) are being …

Scope expansion means community pharmacists can do more to promote optimal use of antibiotics, but should they “police” antibiotics scripts written by GPs? Community pharmacists often don’t feel comfortable raising …

Pharmacists who want to continue to practice in five to 10 years’ time need to upskill, a graduate of the Queensland scope of practice pilot training program says  Pharmacists need …

Australia is rapidly moving up the ranks when it comes to pharmacists’ scope of practice, Guild president says  The expansion of Australian pharmacists’ scope of practice since the start of …

Pharmacists urged to continue “journey of evolution of pharmacy practice”  Australia’s ageing population and challenges in accessing GP services are creating opportunities for pharmacists to play a greater role in …

Advanced pharmacy could be key to delivering healthcare in new settings, SHPA president tells careers summit  Health systems are changing and “the bedside that the pharmacist provides care at might …

Tasmanian pharmacists get green light to extend prescriptions for oral contraceptives   Expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice to authorise them to supply oral contraceptives will improve access, Pharmaceutical Society of …

Tiers 1 and 2 of the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist (ACOP) measure will commence on Monday 1 July following the release of the program’s rules  The Pharmacy Programs Administrator (PPA) …

Pharmacies providing treatment for common skin conditions as part of the NSW scope of practice trial will be eligible for “one-off practice allowance”  NSW Health will provide pharmacies participating in …