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Pharmacy Guild

Greens health spokesperson criticises Guild over transparency, saying it preferred Schedule 2 or 4 for vapes, during a fiery Senate debate before e-cigarette bill passed But the Pharmacy Guild has …

Banner groups have come out against the amended vaping legislation, with one calling for nicotine vapes to return to S4 Blooms The Chemist Management Services Ltd has strongly advised its …

It’s here: the long-awaited Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement has just been signed, with a focus on cost of living Update: Health minister Mark Butler has announced that a new and …

Pharmacists have no more of a conflict of interest than GPs do when it comes to the Queensland prescribing pilot, a leading pharmacist says Doctor groups continue to lambast the …

Health minister Mark Butler says “these are exciting times for the pharmacy sector,” as he tells a packed plenary session about his hopes for the Unleashing the Scope review, and …

“This speech has been rewritten in the past 12 hours,” Guild national president Professor Trent Twomey has told delegates to APP2024 – making a long-anticipated announcement on the 8CPA The …

Guild welcomes moves in Queensland to forbid pharmacies being located in supermarkets, and preventing third parties from exercising “inappropriate control” of medicines provision The report into the Pharmacy Business Ownership …

Doctors are complaining that they’ve been left in the dark about the north Queensland scope of practice pilot – but pharmacists are ready to get started The Australian Medical Association’s …

Corporatisation a factor in the dwindling numbers of GPs, says leading pharmacist in opposing the AMA’s stance on pharmacy ownership Two weeks after its representatives appeared at Queensland’s the Economics …

Will the 8CPA be ready in time? Opposition health spokesperson Senator Anne Ruston has grilled the Health Department’s Penny Shakespeare about its status With increasing concern about the looming 1 …

With yet another natural disaster unfolding in Australia, pharmacists query why continued dispensing arrangements expire after the immediate crisis is over From Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast, the latest flood …

Women’s pain is often overlooked, says the Victorian government – and its decision to launch an inquiry has been welcomed by pharmacists The Listening to Women’s Voices survey showed that …