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Pharmacists should get more data and support to improve vaccination rates, particularly for older patients, a new report states A new report, “Patchy protection: How to boost GP’s patient vaccination …

While pharmacy stakeholders have publicly opposed the new vaping legislation, other groups have welcomed the move to make vapes S3 The bill also prohibits the domestic manufacture, supply, commercial possession …

Pharmacists have no more of a conflict of interest than GPs do when it comes to the Queensland prescribing pilot, a leading pharmacist says Doctor groups continue to lambast the …

Doctors complain they were not notified by Queensland government that the pharmacy prescribing pilot has begun Outgoing Australian Medical Association president Dr Maria Boulton has spoken to ABC Brisbane’s Loretta …

Doctors are yet again calling for the removal of pharmacy ownership and location rules, despite a report countering their objections A Queensland parliamentary committee has recommended supporting the Pharmacy Business …

Doctors are complaining that they’ve been left in the dark about the north Queensland scope of practice pilot – but pharmacists are ready to get started The Australian Medical Association’s …

The Pharmacy Guild is seeking clarification from a leading doctor, regarding her comments on 60-day “misinformation” from pharmacists Royal Australian College of General Practitioners national president Dr Nicole Higgins has …

Pharmacist concerns about 60-day-plus-zero scripts prompted the Department of Health to reach out to doctor groups, it has been revealed During Senate Estimates this week (Thursday, 26 October), shadow health …

AMA attacks community pharmacy as the “worst place” for pharmacist prescribing The Australian Medical Association has published its submission to the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Unleashing the Potential …

Further training would be unnecessary if some of pharmacists’ newer professional services, including those in pilot schemes, were within scope, a Canberra GP claims Dr Louise Stone, a Canberra GP …

Prescribers are being asked to consider the potential repercussions the government’s double-dispensing policy could have on their businesses  Pharmacy advocacy group, the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) will pose …

An investigation into a pharmacy sparked another into a GP, who wrote 121 fentanyl scripts for one person in just over a year The Civil and Administrative Tribunal NSW has …