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This article focuses on the pathophysiology, impact, and management of acne, with a particular emphasis on the use of adapalene, a topical retinoid. It outlines the benefits of adapalene over …

A guide to what pharmacists need to know about the composition, use, safety profile and efficacy of oral contraceptives. By Professor Rod Baber AM, BPharm, MBBS, FRCOG, FRANZCOG Learning Objectives …

Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI), particularly in women. This article will discuss cystitis and recurrent urinary tract infections, their pathophysiology, and best practice management …

As pharmacy health services for women expand, what do pharmacists need to know to differentiate pelvic pain that can be self-managed vs pain that warrants further assessment? In this webinar, …

This article aims to outline the causes of vitamin D deficiency, identify at-risk populations, and provide updates on dosage recommendations for supplementation. By Zaheeda Patel BPharm, AACPA, MACP Learning Objectives …

Pharmacy practice: The dispensing and administration of long-acting buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid dependence. By Dr Jacinta Johnson, BPharm(Hons) PhD FANZCAP (Edu., Research) FPS FSHP Learning Objectives After completing …

Pregnancy places high nutritional demands on the mother, and numerous studies have shown the long-term health impacts of prenatal undernutrition. By Associate Professor Treasure McGuire PhD, clinical pharmacist, pharmacologist, educator …

Pharmacists Carlene Ngoma and Tinu Abraham share an easy-to-use Q&A algorithm to help patients select the right over-the-counter product for short-term cough This webinar shows pharmacists and pharmacy assistants how …

By understanding the underlying causes of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), its presentation and the management options available, pharmacists can provide the most appropriate counselling and advice. By Jala Moushi, BPharm(Hons), …

Falls are the most common cause of hospitalisation and death due to injury among Australians aged 65 years and older. By Dr Jenny Gowan AM, PhD, Grad Dip Comm Pharm, …

With medication having limited benefits on the progress and treatment of dementia, there is rising interest in non-pharmacologic treatment options. This article examines one option: reminiscence therapy. By John Wilks …

As pharmacy’s vaccine role continues to expand, and as ambivalence about vaccination grows, pharmacists are increasingly confronting the problem of vaccine hesitancy. This article examines what drives this hesitancy and …

Migraine is an episodic yet complex disabling disorder, with a genetic influence, belonging to the group of primary headaches. By Deborah Hawthorne, B Pharm, Grad Dip Mgt (Business), Grad Dip Info …

This article highlights the pertinent intricacies of bacterial urinary tract infections in Australian adults with diabetes including pathophysiology, diagnostic and prognostic considerations, therapeutic management, prevention strategies, and the role of …

Fracture risk from bone fragility increases with age. Osteoporosis and osteopenia affect more than six million Australians. The main factor predisposing to bone fragility is advanced age. Bone loss is …