Posts in tag

women’s health

Women’s health network seeing pharmacists “signing up every week” as role expands to include OCP resupply, medical abortion dispensing Pharmacists comprise nearly a quarter of an Australian support network for …

Pharmacists dispensing medical abortion, contraceptives most concerned about costs, shortages and regulatory issues, online posts reveal Community pharmacists are more likely to reach out for information or support on health …

Pharmacists are “often the first port of call” for women with pelvic pain. Knowing the relevant medicines, red flags and when to refer are top of the list on how …

Women need more support to quit smoking during pregnancy but there is a lack of evidence around medicines safety, say researchers A UNSW Sydney-led study of 1.7 million pregnancies in …

Cystitis is the most common type of urinary tract infection (UTI), particularly in women. This article will discuss cystitis and recurrent urinary tract infections, their pathophysiology, and best practice management …

As pharmacy health services for women expand, what do pharmacists need to know to differentiate pelvic pain that can be self-managed vs pain that warrants further assessment? In this webinar, …

Jean Hailes’ gynaecologist Dr Pav Nanayakkara & physiotherapist Amy Steventon discuss optimal pelvic pain management in pharmacy 25 June 2024 | 7-8.00PM AEST How might pelvic pain in women present, …

This article highlights the pertinent intricacies of bacterial urinary tract infections in Australian adults with diabetes including pathophysiology, diagnostic and prognostic considerations, therapeutic management, prevention strategies, and the role of …

Only one in four women of reproductive age who are dispensed oral retinoids are accessing PBS-listed contraception, despite teratogenic risks, according to a new Australian study While rates of oral …

PBAC recommends PBS listing of drug to treat endometriosis pain, noting need for new treatments for the condition The PBAC has recommended PBS listing of Ryeqo for treatment of moderate …

Pharmacist training in women’s health and further PBS coverage for hormone therapies will help women receive better care for menopause, argues SHPA Pharmacists are “ideally placed” in both community and …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Diagnosis and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a chronic disorder associated with infertility; miscarriage; adverse pregnancy …