Products that claim to be healthy contain over 60% sugar, alleges the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission The ACCC has commenced proceedings in the Federal Court against the Australian arm …

Australian experts find use in children can be stopped sooner Top researchers from the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute have conducted a systematic review into the duration of intravenous antibiotics for …

Criminal trial nearly two years in the making ended just five days after it began The trial alleging FedEx knowingly delivered illegal prescriptions drugs to dealers and addicts ended abruptly when …

Pressure from Labor has forced the Coalition to abandon plans to outsource payment system Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has bowed to pressure from the Labor Party, announcing the government has …

With a more advanced scope of practice, pharmacists can achieve positive results for patients A Canadian trial has shown intensive pharmacist intervention may help reduce cardiovascular risk in patients. Community pharmacists …

Systematic review and meta-analysis involving 30,000 patients reveals success of weight loss agents The review published in JAMA looked at five medications approved for management of obesity in the US: orlistat, …

Analysis doesn’t acknowledge impact of PBS savings measures in recent years, they say The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has disagreed with new claims that Australia is continuing to pay too …

Current model leads to antibiotic overconsumption and provides insufficient rewards to drive innovation, say top researchers Academics from the Boston University School of Law and London School of Economics, among …

Increased risk of malignant melanoma link to ED drugs likely due to greater sun exposure, researchers say A newly published study of nearly 150,000 men prescribed sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil has found …

Advice for pharmacists and pharmacy students delving into the brave new world of social media As healthcare professionals, it’s important to be self aware and cautious when communicating online. A recent study …

US shipping giant conspired with internet pharmacies to ship illegal sedatives and painkillers, allege prosecutors A trial began on Monday 13 June over drug trafficking charges against FedEx, according to …

Australians are struggling with problem drinking, according to the latest international survey on drug use Between November 2015 and January 2016, the Global Drug Survey asked 4,524 Australians about their …