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Disease State Management

Advances in the understanding of the risks and benefits, contraindications, timing and type of delivery of menopausal hormone therapy will assist women to have clear information to make appropriate decisions. …

People living with cystic fibrosis encounter unique and significant challenges with managing their complex daily medication regimens. Pharmacists are well-placed to provide advice on medication use and other therapies, to …

Incontinence affects one in four adult Australians. Pharmacists are essential members of the multidisciplinary team for ongoing management of older patients with incontinence. By Dr Jenny Gowan PhD, Grad Dip …

Facial pain is a common and often debilitating condition. This article explores some common types and causes of facial pain. It also discusses various treatments including appropriate use of medicines …

Hearing loss is under-recognised and under-treated often due to the belief that it is part of normal ageing.1 This article aims to increase an awareness in pharmacists of the consequences …

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, can cause significant damage to the heart so it is important to advise patients to seek prompt medical attention if there are unexplained …

This article provides a practical approach to identifying drugs that increase the anticholinergic burden and recognise risks and adverse effects. Suggestion will be offered to assist with decisions about providing …

Myasthenia gravis is an acquired autoimmune condition characterised by chronic fatigability and muscle weakness, especially in the face and throat. By Dr Louis Roller PhD, MSc, BPharm, BSc, Dip Ed, …

Every day in pharmacy, pharmacists assist people with disability but often little thought is given to how these people can manage their medicines. This article will offer a general overview …

A number of medications may assist people with multiple sclerosis to improve their quality of life. As a medicines expert, this is where the pharmacist can assist people with MS …