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Practice Update

Fatigue is a common, debilitating complaint and can be a challenging area for pharmacists, but updated fatigue guidelines provide direction to support patients. By Ann Winkle BPharm, BArts, AACP Learning …

Growing evidence suggests that long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) may lead to serious adverse effects. By understanding the pharmacology of PPIs, their role in clinical practice and potential …

The pharmacist is in a good position to discuss and guide patients and their carers on the effects of dopamine imbalances, and to provide appropriate pharmacotherapy and non-pharmacotherapy advice. By …

Andropause refers to a set of symptoms experienced by men with low testosterone levels. Pharmacists play a key role in supporting patients who may be experiencing these symptoms regardless of …

As immunisation providers, pharmacists should consider whole-of-life immunisation needs, particularly for older adults. By Rachel Morrison, BPharmSci, MPharm (Hons), Senior Pharmacist, Australasian College of Pharmacy; Dr Sonal Patel, BPharm, GCPH, …

PDL and the Australian Society of Compounding Pharmacists warn of serious errors involving compounding of clonidine suspension for children, including rare fatalities PDL is aware of multiple instances where a …