I am a pharmacist. Why should I register for the AJP website?

Registered pharmacists (ANZ) can access the entire AJP website. Website registration gives you access to:

  • Up-to-the-minute news and views on all things pharmacy
  • CPD-accredited articles and activities
  • Webinars on issues related to pharmacy, many with CPD accreditation
  • The AJP podcast
  • A registered pharmacist-only forum
  • The AJP e-mag: the AJP e-mag is a member bonus for PDL members. Pharmacy students may also subscribe to the AJP emag for free. Other non-PDL registered pharmacists are required to pay an annual subscription
  • Sponsored content S4 (prescription) or above

To register click here. Once registered, you only need one login and password to access the AJP website. Your device will retain your login for 12 months, if you leave the ‘Remember me’ box checked.

Pharmacists are also eligible to sign up for our e-newsletter, the AJP Daily. Please note, this subscription requires a separate sign-up process from website registration.

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