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Longer Read

Disasters such as the Covid pandemic often result in innovation… but how did it pertain to pharmacy legislation? These researchers take a look… This article is the second in a …

Next in our series profiling the 2023 Pharmacy of the Year finalists is Pharmacy 777 Shoalwater, WA The community of predominantly elderly patients and maturing families serviced by Pharmacy 777 …

We continue our series of 2023 Pharmacy of the Year finalist profiles by looking at Ouyen Pharmacy, Vic Buying a rural pharmacy in a town of little more than 1000 …

While the new school year brings a sigh of relief for many parents and carers, for some it’s the beginning of back-to-school illnesses Children are susceptible to many common ailments …

Researchers take an in-depth look at how the pandemic altered the landscape of pharmacist vaccination for good This article is the first in a series to reflect on the impact …

Here’s what to expect in 2023, write Lindy Willmott, Ben White and Katrine Del Villar from the Queensland University of Technology By the end of 2023, eligible people in all …

In the second of our profiles of the 2023 Pharmacy of the Year finalists we look at LiveLife Pharmacy Cooroy, Qld The co-operation with, and development of relationships with the …

Pharmacists have a vital role in identifying and raising awareness of drug-induced oral disorders, but are they doing enough?  Poor oral health can significantly impact our physical and psychological wellbeing …

We begin our preview of the 2023 Pharmacy of The Year finalists with a look at Capital Chemist Calwell, ACT A philosophy that helps to identify the needs in its …

We each have to assess and mitigate our own risk. But how? asks Hassan Vally, Deakin University The Australian government’s latest COVID management plan, released yesterday [12.12.22], maps how the …

What were our best read features of 2022? AI, masks, DAAs and harm minimisation top the list  Here are the ten best read Feature articles on the AJP website in …

How do you make your pharmacy a destination for travel health advice? Part two of our series In part one of our look at travel health in pharmacy we covered …