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In Depth

How does a pharmacist cope with all the new information about vitamins and minerals—as well as consumers’ interest in them? wonders Karalyn Huxhagen The complementary medicine area of health is …

The Movicol Sense of Taste Event at the Powerhouse Museum last week, took NSW-based pharmacists on a sensory journey, watch the video.

Dose Administration Aids seem to be universally accepted… but let’s not forget their shortcomings, writes Keryn Coghill Dose administration aids: we hear lots about these little devices and how useful …

Ben Basger explains allergic drug reactions. Here are five things you may find interesting about allergic drug reactions. Allergic drug reactions represent about 10 ─ 15% of all types of …

Pharmacy is an underutilised resource for those living with addiction, writes Angelo Pricolo—and like other health professionals, pharmacists need a better understanding of the issues Harm minimisation is a philosophy …

Lung conditions are myriad, writes Louis Roller, who takes us through a range of conditions pharmacists are likely to see Lung diseases are some of the most common medical conditions in …

Pharmacists have an enormous amount to offer by entering the ambulance world and other less typical environments, writes Dr Peter Hayball Why would a complex ambulance service not employ a …

Upscheduling codeine-containing OTCs to prescription only would cause more problems than it would fix, writes Steve Scarff ASMI is opposed to the interim decision to up-schedule OTC codeine medicines to …

Concern over vaccination and distrust of the process is growing, writes Ben Basger… so what can pharmacists do about it? Vaccine hesitancy is becoming increasingly recognised as an issue in …

Why do we continue to use nurses in pharmacy wellness programs? wonders Karalyn Huxhagen One of the buzz words in health currently is wellness. We see GPs being tasked with …

Calcium to help prevent osteoporosis is important, but pharmacists need to make consumers aware of absorption issues and side-effects, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Pharmacists have a role in ensuring that customers …

Reshaping Australia’s scheduling environment to improve medicines access is an urgent priority, writes Dr Deon Schoombie. The ageing population and increasing burden of disease pose enormous challenges for continuing to …