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adverse drug events

Experts agree on 10 most important signs and symptoms of psychotropic adverse events to condense into an easy-to-use checklist, with pharmacists “perfectly placed” to help Aged care workers can now …

Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are unintended and harmful effects that occur when a medication is administered at a standard dosage. While medications play a vital role in modern healthcare, their …

Pharmacists have been urged to educate consumers after a new study revealed the “potential dangers” of herbal and dietary supplements Increasing numbers of people have been hospitalised with drug-induced liver …

Adverse drug events with commonly prescribed medicines need to be monitored, say researchers A US study has found that adverse drug events (ADEs) from potentially inappropriate medicines occurred frequently among …

About 250,000 Aussies are hospitalised each year due to medicine-related issues, half of which could have been prevented… but how can pharmacists help? The Medicine Safety: Take Care report, developed …

Researchers have highlighted a case where this newly listed medication led to drug‐induced autoimmune diabetes mellitus and colitis Pharmacist Nikhil Singh from the Royal Melbourne Hospital has shared a case …

Reports show 19 deaths occurred due to sildenafil in the UK last year. What does this mean for the medicine, which is being considered for S3 status in Australia? Data from …

A study has found community pharmacists have ‘suboptimal’ knowledge on reporting adverse drug reactions, making up only 6% of reports in 2017 Community pharmacists need more training on adverse drug …

An expert in unsafe medicines practices is set to head up a new team working to address medication errors and adverse drug reactions The Federal Government has announced that it …

A UK report has found very young children are at risk of medication-related safety incidents in community pharmacy – but how does this translate to Australian kids? Researchers from the …

Be aware but not “unduly alarmed” by increased risk of blood clots linked to combined hormonal contraceptives, says TGA For women using one of the combined hormonal contraceptives currently available …

In a US study, more than half of all pharmacists failed to warn patients when presented with dangerous pairs of prescriptions… Do you always check for interactions? The Chicago Tribune …