Posts in tag

aged care

Experts agree on 10 most important signs and symptoms of psychotropic adverse events to condense into an easy-to-use checklist, with pharmacists “perfectly placed” to help Aged care workers can now …

Falls are the most common cause of hospitalisation and death due to injury among Australians aged 65 years and older. By Dr Jenny Gowan AM, PhD, Grad Dip Comm Pharm, …

“I would argue that anyone entering aged care by definition should access palliative care,” says one expert As people increasingly act on their wish to age at home, there is …

Top-ranked complaints to aged care commission over the past decade could be addressed by on-site pharmacists, says leading expert Pharmacists have visited over 400 services across the country, providing education …

We look at some of the major upcoming events in the pharmacy calendar PSA24: Your pathway to progress It’s little more than a month until PSA24, Australia’s premier educational beacon …

High-risk prescribing in aged care residents under the spotlight, as Australian experts weigh in on the role of embedded pharmacists Polypharmacy and the use of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) in …

Why pharmacists are a critical part of the aged care puzzle, say Fei Sim and Laetitia Hattingh With Australia’s ageing population and increased healthcare needs, the seamless transition between hospital, …

A program delivered by pharmacists has seen positive results around reduction of unnecessary urine dipstick testing in aged care homes Pharmacist-led education to support behaviour change around urine dipstick testing …

With more than 50% of all hospital admissions being for people aged 65 and older, understanding age-related functional, cognitive and social factor changes and their impact on medication use is …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news, including aged care analgesic monitoring, use of low-dose aspirin and managing resistant hypertension  Analgesic stewardship in Australian residential aged care facilities …

Next up in our review of 2023: the 10 most read opinion columns for the year  ‘I felt terrified but I will not allow such people to intimidate me’ Onsite …

Pharmacists practising to the top of their scope is key in helping keep older Australians out of hospital, and discharging them earlier, says a leading member of the profession The …