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A pharmacist with a history of drink driving, practising while under the influence and forging hospital documents has appealed the cancellation of his registration The Supreme Court of NSW has …

A pharmacist was breathalysed and charged with drink driving – then went to work and dispensed 114 scripts while under the influence The Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has heard …

An Alice Springs late night pharmacy has cut back its hours for the safety of its staff, while retailers remove hand sanitiser from their shelves When hand sanitiser first sprang …

A pharmacist downed a bottle of wine in a car park after work before trying to drive home, causing a serious accident Australian Community Media has reported on the case …

Medicines affordability must take precedence over populist Budget moves like making beer cheaper, says one stakeholder Ahead of the 2022-3 Budget, which is to be handed down on March 29, …

A pharmacist has been admonished for driving the short distance between the local pub and his home, at more than twice the legal blood alcohol level Local News Corp media …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news  The impact of a pharmacist on post-take ward round prescribing and medication appropriateness Clinical pharmacist participation on a post-admission ward round …

The Health Minister has announced a commitment of $7.2 million to pilot a take-home naloxone program in Australia – but there’s no mention of pharmacy This week Greg Hunt announced …

Alcohol and nicotine remain the most-consumed licit drugs in Australia, while methylamphetamine is still the most-used illicit drug, new data show The Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission has released the sixth …

A psychologist has had his registration cancelled after he entered into a relationship with a patient and gave him gifts including cigarettes, alcohol and a tattoo A number of allegations …

With rising prevalence of risky drinking – and reports of people using alcohol as a replacement for OTC codeine – could pharmacists play a role in alcohol screening? The number …

As the silly season begins, Louis Roller takes a look at navigating the pitfalls of overindulgence Overindulgence: to allow yourself to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink: wish I hadn’t overindulged so much …