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Queensland-based GP, Dr Danielle McMullen, has been appointed as the next president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA)  McMullen the organisation’s current vice president will assume the presidency on 1 …

Pharmacy and medical organisations are allying with the federal government in war on vaping  Health professional bodies are calling on all federal politicians to back legislation banning the sale, supply, …

GP body seeks seat on Tasmania’s pharmacist prescribing trial’s working group   Having previously walked away from steering groups for pilot programs looking at expanding pharmacists’ scope of practice, the …

AMA quits Victorian clinical advisory group ahead of pharmacy prescribing trial   “Serious and escalating concerns” over Victoria’s planned pharmacist prescribing pilot are behind the Australian Medical Association’s (AMA’s) decision …

Medical bodies and patient advocacy groups are taking different views on the Coalition’s commitment to ensure medicines are accessible and affordable  Better Access Australia is backing the Coalition’s call for …

Pharmacy owners’ double dispensing concerns dubbed an “irresponsible scare campaign” by doctors’ group  Opposition leader, Peter Dutton, is being urged to clarify the Coalition’s position on 60-day dispensing, with the …

MPs and Senators are being urged to back legislation that will see maximum dispense quantities increase for 325 molecules  Medical organisations, health, and patient advocacy groups are calling on federal …

Conversations about how 60-day dispensing will impact local doctors suggest medical bodies did not consult their members before pushing the policy, a Guild leader says  Questions are being raised about …

Medical groups are seeking to boost access to vaccination services by having GP pharmacists authorised to provide the same vaccines as their community and hospital-based peers   Doctors are urging Queensland’s …

Docs launch an ad campaign attacking pharmacist prescribing, while one media outlet calls for a ceasefire between the sectors The Australian Medical Association has announced a media campaign, aimed at …

The AMA has spoken out on the TGA’s recommendations on restricting paracetamol, saying pharmacists can help patients navigate pain management The Australian Medical Association’s submission on paracetamol scheduling supports limiting …

“Disgraceful”: The AMA has sledged the Qld Premier and Health Minister for allegedly failing to consult with communities about the pharmacy scope of practice pilot AMA President Dr Omar Khorshid …