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Anthony Tassone

Guild issues rallying call for pharmacists to become Australia’s first choice for vaccination services  Pharmacy owners are being urged to continue the promotion vaccination services, as the Pharmacy Guild of …

Pharmacies that opt to supply nicotine vaping products OTC will, from 1 October, be required to submit paperwork for each sale, the Guild warns  Legislation authorising pharmacies to dispense nicotine …

Fewer than one-in-seven eligible prescriptions are being dispensed under the controversial 60-day policy, data reveals  Uptake of 60-day prescriptions is lagging behind the Department of Health and Aged Cares forecast …

Outgoing Guild branch president plots self-funded bid for local council  Fresh from negotiating the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA), Anthony Tassone is putting his hand up for a seat on …

Guild set to sell its stake in Fred to joint venture partner, Telstra Health  Pharmacy technology provider, Fred IT Group is set to become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Telstra, with …

Budget measure will increase medication costs for vulnerable patients, discounter warns  Government plans to phase out the dollar discount on Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listed products, are “an anti-competitive backward step”, …

Guild leaders confident they are close to securing a deal for the 8CPA  Following Tuesday night’s Federal Budget pharmacy owners are being urged to get ready for an announcement on …

RACGP president questions pharmacists’ motivation in wanting rights to prescribe Covid-19 antivirals  Steps to ensure “there are no perverse incentives for prescribing” need to be taken before pharmacists could be allowed …

Authorising pharmacists to prescribe Covid-19 antivirals could limit wastage, a Guild leader says  The rejection of a recommendation to allow pharmacists to initiate Covid-19 oral antiviral treatment for patients eligible …

Guild still targeting 1 March start date for Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement   With less than three weeks before the second tranche of medications becomes available under 60-day dispensing, negotiations …

Fees paid to pharmacies for administering vaccines under the NIPVIP should increase, while program rules need to be amended to enable off-site services, a Guild leader says  The Pharmacy Guild …

Guild will not sign a deal that is not good for patients and pharmacists, Anthony Tassone pledges  Time is of the essence if the government and Pharmacy Guild of Australia …