Posts in tag

antibiotic resistance

Pharmacist “champions” can assist prescribers to make more informed choices on empirical prescribing of antibiotics, study finds More education is needed for prescribers to use antibiograms to improve their antibiotic …

Antimicrobial use in Australian hospitals is among the highest rates in the world, a new report has found – and compliance with prescribing guidelines in private hospitals is low The …

A leading GP is speaking out in the media against pharmacist prescribing using what the Guild calls a “wildly incorrect” reading of Canadian data Dr Nicole Higgins, national president of …

Pharmacists have urged doctors to “put aside turf wars,” following claims UTI prescribing programs risk lives “When a patient with symptoms of a suspected UTI walks into a pharmacy they …

Restrictions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 have seen antibiotic prescription rates plunge A new study led by a team of researchers at UNSW Sydney and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute …

Pharmacists have a significant role to play in the fight against antimicrobial resistance, writes Louis Roller “Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health, food security, and …

AMA president Dr Tony Bartone has again called for bigger medicines pack sizes, in commenting on a move to combat antibiotic resistance The PBAC has proposed that repeats of common …

Leading government health agency and SHPA add voices to GP groups in opposing antibiotic downscheduling, citing fears about antimicrobial resistance The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Heath Care …

Queensland’s pharmacy trial would mean a conflict of interest similar to that found by the banking Royal Commission, says a leading doctor GPs continue to criticise moves towards pharmacist prescribing, …

The RACGP’s Queensland chair has spoken out about his “grave concern” that the state’s pharmacy trial will contribute to antimicrobial resistance But the doctor group is simply fear-mongering, says Trent …

There is growing concern over the level of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals in the environment. Sheshtyn Paola investigates how this can lead to the spread of antimicrobial resistance In the …

As Antibiotic Awareness Week draws to a close, pharmacists are reminded to stop and reflect on their antimicrobial stewardship With healthcare practitioners reflecting on safe use of antibiotics over the …