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bone health

A new study has helped to unveil the mystery of why chronic stress and depression can lead to bone loss and increase the risk of fractures. The effect of chronic …

Exposure to low doses of a type of phthalate prior to puberty in mice can impact bone density later in life, an Australian study has found. Phthalates, which have been …

New research shows that the stress of social disadvantage could be putting people at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. An international team of researchers led by Deakin University’s Dr Sharon …

New recommendations by national peak health bodies aim to provide clearer and simpler advice to Australians on how they can balance the need for sun protection to reduce skin cancer …

NPS MedicineWise has launched a new learning program and health professional resources on osteoporosis to assist in identification of patients at increased risk of osteoporosis, choosing and initiating therapy in …

New research revealing one in five older Australians is not partaking in any form of regular exercise has prompted experts to warn about the impact of little to no physical …

The Australian Self Medication Industry says today’s World Osteoporosis Day shines the spotlight on calcium and vitamin D and the vital role they play in preventing osteoporosis. “There is a …

With future Australians expected to live well into their 90s, Deakin University researchers have questioned if we really have our finger on the pulse of the health needs of this …

Calcium to help prevent osteoporosis is important, but pharmacists need to make consumers aware of absorption issues and side-effects, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Pharmacists have a role in ensuring that customers …

Calcium supplements have no benefit for most people and could even be harmful, claim University of Auckland researchers. Two studies published in the British Medical Journal this week, conclude that …

Researchers are urging caution in prescribing proton pump inhibitors, one of the world’s most commonly-issued drug groups, citing links to increased fracture risks in older Australian women. University of Queensland …

Osteoporosis weakens more than just bones, as new research suggests it is closely linked to incontinence in older women. Middle-aged and older women with osteoporosis have a much higher incidence …