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Pharmacy practice: The dispensing and administration of long-acting buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid dependence. By Dr Jacinta Johnson, BPharm(Hons) PhD FANZCAP (Edu., Research) FPS FSHP Learning Objectives After completing …

Administration of Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine injections by pharmacists has been a ‘quantum shift’ in the profession’s scope of practice  Long Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB) has been a revolution in …

Methadone, buprenorphine, drug testing, naloxone and more: we discuss the latest views and opinions with a panel of experts Why is the naloxone program not seeing wider take-up? Should pharmacists …

Vaping, buprenorphine, drug testing, naloxone and more: Angelo Pricolo gets the latest views from harm minimisation experts Why is the naloxone program not seeing wider take-up? Should pharmacists be able …

A study has shown high treatment retention and adherence, reduced substance use and depression, and improved quality of life among those receiving monthly BUP-XR Community use of long-acting buprenorphine has …

Angelo Pricolo hosts a panel of experts who answer our readers’ questions about addiction medicine and pharmacy’s role in harm minimisation  AJP invited a panel of leading addiction medicine experts …

New data reveals the largest increase for a decade in the number of patients receiving opioid dependency treatment  On a snapshot day in 2020, over 53,300 clients received pharmacotherapy treatment …

It would be “fantastic” if more pharmacists were willing to provide opioid replacement therapy, says leading researcher Latest data estimates that 40.5 million people across the world were dependent on …

To resolve potential criminal liability stemming from conduct alleged in the indictment of a former subsidiary in the United States, RB Group will forfeit nearly one billion in proceeds and …

Latest data reveals a decline in use of low-dose codeine in 2018, but is there more to the story? UNSW’s National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) has released the …

An inquest has highlighted the importance of careful decisions in drug withdrawal, after a patient died from being administered an excessive amount of buprenorphine In April 2015, a 38-year-old man …

Digoxin, opioids, yoga… Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Digoxin and Mortality in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation In patients with AF taking digoxin, the risk …