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Being a long, long way from anywhere (in Reno, Nevada) causes a first-time exposure to withdrawal from a favoured substance In 2009 I found myself stranded in Reno, Nevada (a …

Downscheduling of migraine treatments begins on 1 Feb The Pharmacy Guild of Australia welcomed the confirmed decision to down-schedule the migraine treatments sumatriptan and zolmitriptan to S3, or pharmacist-only, medicines. …

Tight scheduling restrictions are being imposed on caffeine powders Currently unregulated caffeine powders are to be included as scheduled medicines, after an interim decision announced by the Therapeutic Goods Administration …

New proposals may see pharmacists dispensing downscheduled allergic rhinitis, migraine treatments, while caffeine powders are to be effectively banned The TGA’s medicine scheduling committee is set to rule on proposals …

The Federal Government has decided to ban the sale of pure and highly concentrated caffeine food products, including pure caffeine powder, for personal consumption The ban comes after the Morrison …

Many thousands of young Australians are mixing alcohol with caffeine-laden energy drinks with little regard for the potential dangers, according to new research Around 40% of young current drinkers reported …

New observational research may provide further impetus for expectant mums to limit caffeine intake In a prospective cohort study of 50,943 mothers and their children recruited from 2002 to 2008, …

Worried about the level of your caffeine intake? Well, new research has indicated that 3-4 cups per day may be doing more good than harm, except during pregnancy UK researchers …

Energy drinks have been found to affect the heart and blood pressure levels in a way caffeine-only drinks do not A study published in the Journal of the American Heart …

The advice that caffeine is a diuretic is actually incorrect, argues Ben Desbrow Ben Desbrow, Associate Professor, Griffith University For a long time people have been told that caffeine is a …

A new University of Adelaide study has found that drinking more than two energy drinks per day is associated with adverse heart reactions, including a fast heartbeat and heart palpitations. …

More research is needed to confirm whether drinking coffee can reduce the risk of a heart attack, Heart Foundation CEO Mary Barry says. A study by Korean researchers, published in …