Posts in tag

colds and flu

Did COVID harm my immune system? Am I now at risk of other infectious diseases? Lara Herrero from Griffith University investigates So you’ve had COVID and have now recovered. You …

RATs for flu exist – should we be self-testing for that too? Flu season has begun uncharacteristically early this year, and so far we’ve seen around 187,000 laboratory-confirmed cases, 1,323 hospitalisations, and …

FIP is looking at the pharmacist role in managing URTIs A new handbook published by the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) in collaboration with The Clean Breathing Institute, aims to strengthen …

Restrictions to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 have seen antibiotic prescription rates plunge A new study led by a team of researchers at UNSW Sydney and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute …

A risk management focus emerges as the Queensland COVID testing pilot draws closer – and one pharmacy leader says new GP criticisms are simply more “Chicken Little” rhetoric Queensland Health …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Sodium-glucose cotransporter protein-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists for type 2 diabetes A large systematic review and network …

The incidence of colds and flu has dropped significantly in 2020, while mental health concerns are on the rise, new data shows Roy Morgan has interviewed more than 5,000 Australians …

The TGA has reminded advertisers not to produce ads that undermine public health campaigns, such as advice to stay home when sick As the cold and flu season begins in …

PDL has issued a reminder of pharmacists’ obligations when supplying pseudoephedrine, citing recent cases where disciplinary action was taken In one case the pharmacist understood his obligations, but was found …

An Australian researcher has urged health professionals not to give decongestants to children under the age of 12 Not only do these treatments fail to alleviate cold symptoms but their …

Can herbal ingredients and formulas really help to shorten a cold? asks Carl Gibson Herbal cough, cold and flu products have often been developed with natural, scientific and traditionally-backed ingredients …

Consumers still need a fair bit of education around the common cold, write Esther Lau and Lisa Nissen Despite the coordinated efforts of antibiotic awareness campaigns, it feels like we …