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Community and Pharmacy Support Group

CAPS gives 8CPA tacit welcome, but concerns about the impacts of 60-day dispensing remain  Signing the Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement (8CPA) is a “significant step by the government” to safeguard the …

CAPS victories confirmed as fresh faces take seats on Guild branch committees  Results of 13 contested ballots for Pharmacy Guild of Australia branch committee seats have been confirmed by the …

Pharmacists need to be allowed to decline to dispense 60-day supplies of medications to address shortages, advocacy group says  Australia’s medicines pricing model and the introduction of 60-day dispensing are …

With negotiations for the 8CPA ongoing one Guild state branch leader says “it is vital” that those currently involved in the process are backed in the organisation’s ongoing election  Pharmacy …

Pharmacy owners need to see a “fair” Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement signed before they will feel confident in future viability of the sector While industry leaders are continuing to negotiate …

Advocacy group representative to join Guild NSW branch committee   At least one Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) representative will be on the next Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s NSW branch committee  CAPS …

Guild stalwarts to face CAPS challenge in NSW branch elections  Representatives of the Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) will contest five of the 12 seats on the Pharmacy Guild …

Battle-weary pharmacists urged not to “accept the meagre, PR-driven offerings” being served up by the government  Pharmacies could still be left out of pocket as a result of 60-day dispensing, …

“Ripped up” 7CPA must be replaced, pharmacy advocacy group says  Health Minister, Mark Butler, may shun the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual conference this week, the Community and Pharmacy Support …

Pharmacists are being urged to continue to exert pressure on their MPs and senators to secure the 8CPA as soon as possible  The Community and Pharmacy Support Group (CAPS) wants …

CAPS seeks to ramp up pressure on Labor after 8CPA implementation date was missed  The Dunkley by-election will provide pharmacists with an opportunity to voice their frustration at the government’s …

Glucojel jellybeans are set to be deployed by pharmacists as a sweetener for voters to preference Labor last in this weekend’s Dunkley by-election A pallet-load of the Pharmacy-Only Glucojel jellybeans …