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community pharmacy

Scope expansion means community pharmacists can do more to promote optimal use of antibiotics, but should they “police” antibiotics scripts written by GPs? Community pharmacists often don’t feel comfortable raising …

Community pharmacy has a bigger role to play in antimicrobial stewardship than commonly thought, say pharmacy experts, but funding and awareness is needed Community pharmacists can participate as much as …

Students and early career pharmacists are being urged to pursue careers in community pharmacy, with Guild president spruiking the sector as the most financially rewarding  Australia’s Eighth Community Pharmacy Agreement …

Excitement that a deal to deliver the 8CPA by 1 July was signed on the eve of APP is turning to scepticism  The signing of a heads of agreement for the …

Dispensing fees need boost to protect pharmacies from closure; metro development threatens store’s viability; cyberattack hits MaineCare  Minnesota, US – Pharmacists are calling for politicians to pass legislation increasing dispensing …

Labor focused on getting “an outcome that is good for community pharmacy and also good for patients” from 8CPA  The federal government will not “wilt” in its efforts to secure …

Short-staffed rural community and hospital pharmacies need urgent support, Victoria’s Rural Pharmacy Liaison Officer, Emily Griffin, says  Steps need to be taken to address pharmacy workforce shortages in rural areas …

Terminally ill patients given improved access to end-of-life medications through community pharmacy network  Select community pharmacies across South Australia are now stocking palliative care medications as part of a measure …

Government urged to remove barriers blocking community pharmacists from providing National Immunisation Program (NIP) vaccines outside of pharmacies  Urgent changes to the NIP Vaccination in Pharmacy (VIP) program rules need …

Criticism of the government’s efforts to ease patient’s out-of-pocket expenses through its 60-day dispensing policy is being welcomed by pharmacists  Coalition Senator, Maria Kovacic raised concerns that the government’s decision …

Confidence is returning to the community pharmacy sector after taking a significant dip following the government’s 60-day dispensing announcement  Data from the latest University of Technology Sydney (UTS) pharmacy barometer …

Government’s 60-day dispensing policy is being dubbed “an absolute disgrace” by Coalition  The Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler, is facing accusation of failing to look after regional …