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compounding pharmacy

Compounding pharmacy inspection finds “failures of good pharmacy practice” The Victorian Pharmacy Authority has made a statement outlining that it has placed a condition on the premises registration of Willby’s …

Danish pharma giant declares some compounded versions up to one-third impure The manufacturer of diabetes and weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy has taken legal action against two compounding pharmacies, accusing …

PDL officers and the MEDISCA CPD coordinator and compounding pharmacist answer your questions on risk management processes in pharmacy During this webinar, Patricia Ullmann from MEDISCA is joined by Gary …

Join PDL officers in conversation with the MEDISCA CPD coordinator and compounding pharmacist as they discuss risk management processes in pharmacy 14 November 2023 | 7.30-8.30PM AEDT PDL and MEDISCA …

A GP has denied that his clinics were “just a vending machine for peptides” The Health Care Complaints Commission has issued a statement regarding Dr John Hart, a GP and …

Children may be exposed to harmful levels of preservatives and additives due to ‘off label’ prescription of adult formulations, a compounding pharmacist has warned Queensland-based compounding pharmacist Matthew Bellgrove says …

The Board’s revised guidance on the compounding of sterile injectable medicines kicked in on the first of the month A revised guidance titled ‘Compounding of sterile injectable medicines’, has been …

Pharmacist faces life in jail over meningitis outbreak; pharmacy owner killed over 15¢; compounding trouble in LA Boston, Massachusetts: Pharmacist Glenn A Chin, the supervisory pharmacist from the compounding pharmacy …

A recent Federal Court case highlights the risk and cost to compounding pharmacies that do not adhere to guidelines The Melbourne compounding pharmacist in question had supplied their own compounded …

Barry Cadden, president of the compounding pharmacy which distributed deadly tainted steroids in 2012, has been jailed for nine years The outbreak saw hundreds across the United States become ill …

The pharmacist at the centre of a deadly meningitis outbreak in the United States has been found not guilty of murder Barry J Cadden was the co-owner and head pharmacist …

Pharmacy connected with beleaguered weight loss clinic defends itself from serious allegations by leading public health figure Last week AJP wrote about a complaint submitted to AHPRA and the ACCC …