Posts in tag

cough and cold

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Treatments for cough and common cold in children Upper respiratory tract infections in children are common, self-limiting illnesses that resolve without …

The US FDA has met over the issue of phenylephrine, concluding it’s not effective… but what’s happening in Australia? The US Food and Drug Administration has met to discuss the …

An in-depth look at pholcodine, and why it was taken off the market. By Denise Hope, Dr Matt Zunk and Dr Santosh Rudrawar While the recent cancellation of the cough …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections A Cochrane review has concluded that evidence supports the use of cranberry products to reduce …

While the new school year brings a sigh of relief for many parents and carers, for some it’s the beginning of back-to-school illnesses Children are susceptible to many common ailments …

While cough and cold medicines can be selected off the shelf, a key mistake customers make is believing they are safe in all circumstances The cold is the most widespread …

Anaesthetists are calling for a ban, or an upschedule to Prescription Only, for cough medicines containing pholcodine Dr Paul McAleer, a specialist anaesthetist and chair of the multidisciplinary organisation The …

The US Food and Drug Administration has announced measures to limit the use of opioid-containing cough and cold preparations by children The FDA says the safety labelling changes will affect …

New Zealand’s answer to ASMI has hit back at Consumer NZ’s investigation into cough and cold remedies, which found they lacked evidence to support their use Consumer NZ says that …