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New agreement for wholesalers on the horizon following signing of 8CPA  Funding for the distribution of medicines through Community Service Obligation wholesalers will be allocated through a new deal outside …

Funding arrangements for pharmaceutical wholesalers in the Seventh Community Pharmacy Agreement (7CPA) are not being honoured, an industry leader says  Wholesalers are being short-changed by failures to honour the “the …

A key stakeholder has urged pharmacists to refuse the National Medicines Traceability Framework, saying it is an “abject failure” in Europe and making it harder for pharmacists to do their …

Call to empower pharmacists to help improve medicine supply through therapeutic substitutions and continued dispensing Supply issues raised by the international COVID-19 pandemic were top of the agenda at the …

Rural pharmacists are being stonewalled by authorities and feeling anything but assured, argues the Rural Pharmacy Network Australia While pharmacy leaders and wholesalers parade in the media seeking to reassure …

Claims that rural pharmacies have been experiencing shortages after an “unprecedented run” on PBS medicines by large groups The Rural Pharmacy Network Australia (RPNA) has called for an investigation into …

Pharmaceutical manufacturer ditches direct distribution model for CSO wholesalers in move driven by pharmacist feedback AstraZeneca has announced it will exit its exclusive-direct distribution arrangements and return supply of its …

Pharmacy’s “critical business partners” tell the true story of their value to the healthcare system as 7CPA approaches   Pharmacy, and indeed the healthcare system, could not survive with the service …

Wholesalers win bipartisan support in election run-up The National Pharmaceutical Services Association (NPSA) has welcomed recent commitments by both major parties to the future of the pharmaceutical supply chain ahead …

Guild lauds pharmacy budget boost as AHI fee, CSO payments, DAAs and medication management gain extra funds The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it “welcomes confirmation that the Budget will …

DHL remains out of the CSO loop as accepted tenders are revealed Tenders from six distributors have been accepted for Community Service Obligation (CSO) funding, the Department of Health has …

Sigma and NPSA’s Mark Hooper has said he hopes for a swift resolution of the API/Sigma merger, and addressed the potential for DHL to enter the CSO Mr Hooper, president …