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New research has found many clinical practice guidelines contain limited guidance on deprescribing… could pharmacists be the missing link? Deprescribing recommendations are becoming more common but are still missing from …

Communication – with patients, families and carers, as well as with other health professionals – is key when it comes to managing pain in older people living in residential aged …

High-risk prescribing in aged care residents under the spotlight, as Australian experts weigh in on the role of embedded pharmacists Polypharmacy and the use of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIMs) in …

How can patients start conversations about deprescribing – and where can pharmacists come in? Pharmacists were recently offered a consumer perspective As part of MedsAware: Deprescribing Action Week last week …

One pharmacist describes the revelation he had when deprescribing for a dementia patient made a shocking change  Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, in partnership with the …

One pharmacist talks about the need for pharmacists to be brave when it comes to deprescribing Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, in partnership with …

One pharmacist talks about the importance of communication and collaboration with patients living with a disability Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, in partnership with …

One pharmacist talks about the barriers to deprescribing, and helping patients feel empowered to question their medicines regimen Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, in …

One pharmacist tells how she, her patient and the patient’s medical team successfully deprescribed a medication following a fall Around MedsAware: Deprescribing Week 2024 (18-24 March), the AJP is presenting, …

With more than 50% of all hospital admissions being for people aged 65 and older, understanding age-related functional, cognitive and social factor changes and their impact on medication use is …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists and atrial fibrillation A meta-analysis of seven trials showed that the efficacy of MRAs, as compared with placebo, …

A new project has compared usual medical prescribing with a model involving collaboration with a pharmacist The study, Evaluating collaborative ordering of medications by a pharmacist on a general medical …