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Topical corticosteroids are safe and effective, urge leading dermatology and eczema organisations in response to recent media reports about topical steroid withdrawal ABC News Breakfast reported on topical steroid withdrawal …

Pharmacists can support patients by identifying atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, and counselling on the use of topical corticosteroids, protecting the skin barrier, and the importance of avoiding environmental triggers if …

Pharmacists are often consulted by parents and caregivers about the management of eczema in their young children. In this article, Marsha Gomez provides the latest information about the management of …

Nasal and skin allergies are common and can be debilitating, with many patients seeking over-the-counter treatments from a community pharmacy, making pharmacists best placed to provide counselling and advice on …

A deep dive into treating eczema in children, including common topical corticosteroids and key points for their use Jemma Weidinger, Eczema Nurse Practitioner, Perth Children’s Hospital Dr Roland Brand, Consultant …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Effectiveness and safety of lotion, cream, gel, and ointment emollients for childhood eczema Emollients are integral to the treatment and management …

How often have you considered the formulation when recommending topical corticosteroids to your patients with atopic eczema? Choosing a TCS formulation that is appropriate for the site and severity of …

Melanie Funk and Eczema Support Australia are on a mission to connect with, inform and advocate for Australians affected by eczema On the AJP stage at APP2022, our host Miranda …

What advice can you offer on maintaining healthy skin or counselling on chronic skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis? While you can’t change the weather, you can encourage people …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Prescribing of diabetes medications to people with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease Analysis of Australia GP prescribing …

Eczema affects 1 in 3 Australians at some stage of their lives, but there are some natural skincare products out there that can help, writes Sheshtyn Paola In my late …

By educating patients on the importance of a daily skincare regime, assisting with product selection and facilitating effective self care, pharmacy can play an important role in the treatment of …