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emergency supply

Pharmacists get green light to provide PBS medicines to flood-affected patients in Far North Queensland under continued dispensing  Patients impacted by flooding in northern Queensland will be able to access …

Letting the expanded emergency supply authority lapse will have an adverse impact on NSW’s health system, pharmacy leaders warn.   The measure, which has been in force in NSW throughout …

The Northern Territory has moved on scope of practice for pharmacists, announcing that it aims to make medicines more accessible Natasha Fyles, chief minister of the Northern Territory, has announced …

A new disaster recovery authority is announced… but is medicines continuity a priority? Following the flood crisis affecting eastern Australia, NSW Parliament passed legislation to establish a new authority responsible …

Disaster planning which includes pharmacy is needed as the climate changes, says one public hospital pharmacy director who sprang into action when Victoria’s flood emergency slammed the area The AJP …

Changes to the Safety Net 20-day rule and emergency supply could help when patients are cut off from towns by flood waters, says one pharmacist helping people who may be …

Continued dispensing rules ‘not fit for purpose’ say pharmacy leaders as they join other health stakeholders to call for more funding and support in disaster areas Pharmacy groups have joined …

Supply becoming an issue in flood affected areas, Guild says Pharmacies in flooded northern New South Wales and southern Queensland are facing an extended period without supplies, the Pharmacy Guild …

South Australia has extended emergency supply, with the Interim Chief Pharmacist urging patients not to try to stockpile South Australians in need of an emergency supply of essential medicines during …

One small Tasmanian town’s GP had to self-isolate because of contacts: a prime example of why the state needed extended emergency supply, says the Guild Sarah Courtney, Tasmanian Minister for …

The Government has moved on the continued dispensing instrument and therapeutic substitution – but do the changes announced today go far enough? Pharmacy Guild Queensland branch president Trent Twomey has …

Hospital pharmacists have called on all states to follow the lead of those who extended emergency supply provisions The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has welcomed the leadership of …