eye health
Atropine, soundalike reminder
In its latest newsletter, the Pharmacy Board takes a look at some common dispensing errors – and atropine is singled out once again “System-based strategies may help reduce the risk …
Setting your sights on eye health
From dry eyes and myopia to macular degeneration, pharmacists can raise awareness of the importance of eye health KEY POINTS: 13 million Australians have one or more chronic eye condition. …
Research Roundup
Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists and atrial fibrillation A meta-analysis of seven trials showed that the efficacy of MRAs, as compared with placebo, …
Post-operative dry eye: the impact of hyaluronic acid and hydroxypropyl-guar-based eye drops on corneal healing post refractive surgery
Many patients suffer from dry eye following refractive surgery, and the effects can persist for months after the procedure. Topical lubricants containing the active ingredients hyaluronic acid (HA) and hydroxpropyl-guar …
Wanting to tear up
New research has revealed the level to which workload and workstyle is affecting pharmacists’ capacity to follow their own advice when it comes to dry eye Eye health, and the …
Red eyes vs dry eyes
Eye conditions such as red eyes and dry eyes are common presentations in pharmacy but differentiating between these and the many other common eye conditions, and then choosing the most …
New CWH venture opens
Chemist Warehouse has opened the first of its new discount optometry stores, looking to disrupt the sector The first Optometrist Warehouse has been opened at Malvern, Victoria, with Chemist Warehouse …
A problem of visibility
New research has revealed the level to which workload and workstyle is affecting pharmacists’ capacity to follow their own eye health advice New research has revealed that as many as …
Research Roundup
Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Cannabis-Based Products for Chronic Pain A systematic review of 18 RCTs and 7 cohort studies has concluded that oral …
Fenofibrate finds fame
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the leading cause of preventable blindness of working-age adults in the world.1 In Australia it is one of the top five causes of irreversible blindness among …