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Falls are the most common cause of hospitalisation and death due to injury among Australians aged 65 years and older. By Dr Jenny Gowan AM, PhD, Grad Dip Comm Pharm, …

Antidepressants are often first-line therapy for patients in residential aged care – but a leading consultant pharmacist says credentialed pharmacists could support other approaches Commonly, people living in residential aged …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Embedded on-site aged care pharmacists in Australia Qualitative semistructured interviews explored the roles of early adopters of Australia’s embedded on-site pharmacist …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Restless legs syndrome Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common sensorimotor disorder causing significant distress. Brain iron deficiency, dopaminergic …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Aspirin deprescribing in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease Current evidence and practice guidelines do not recommend aspirin for primary …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Effect of Long-Term Marine Omega-3 Fatty Acids Supplementation on the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation In RCTs examining cardiovascular outcomes, …

Louis Roller looks at the risk factors and preventive strategies for falls Falls are a main cause of morbidity and disability in older persons. More than one-third of persons 65 years …

New research from Monash University links falls with medication initiation and dose changes Researchers from Monash University’s Centre for Medicine Use and Safety (CMUS) have conducted a root cause analysis …

New research has shown that older people taking antidepressants or opioids have more than double the risk of a fall and hip fracture compared to those who do not Writing …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research relevant to pharmacy Cost-related underuse of asthma medicines A survey by 792 Australian adults and 609 parents of children with …

Bone density is a surrogate for fracture risk, write Jarrod McMaugh and Carlene McMaugh Pharmacists are well versed in the nature of bone density and how it affects the risks …

Half a cup of broccoli a day can help older people avoid being hospitalised for a fall, new research from Edith Cowan University has found Researchers from the School of …