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Flashback Friday

It’s July 1964 and pharmacy is held in high esteem, but the pharmacists are warned not to rest on their laurels  Positive public perceptions of the pharmacy sector cannot be …

It’s 1984 and relations between the community pharmacy sector and the Labor government are somewhat less than cordial  The Labor party appeared to be set on driving pharmacists onto the …

Health professionals need to put “personal squabbles and disputes” over scope of practice to one side for the betterment of public health  It’s May 1934 and the Australasian Journal of …

Pharmacy organisations need to focus on retaining the status among the public, a leading academic warns  It’s February 1924, and pharmacists are being warned that the profession needs to change …

Commonwealth policies are creating barriers for patients with diabetes to access vital medications.   It’s September 1923 and patients with diabetes are battling medicines supply shortages and significant out-of-pocket costs, and …

Pharmacists face accusations of getting rich by “milking the community”… it’s September 1963 and the profession is under attack from a mainstream media publication  The AJP’s September 1963 edition featured …

Pharmacists should take opportunities to “discuss the difficulties confronting the craft” with parliamentarians… it’s 1931 and readers of the AJP are being advised to nurture relationships with their local MPs  …