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Dispensary shelves and an external wall collapsed in a shopping centre pharmacy after a water tank burst, flooding the premises  A clean-up operation is underway at a pharmacy in Perth’s …

Pharmacists went “above and beyond” during the 2022–23 series of flood disasters, but more needs to be done to allow them to offer the best support they can When the …

They’re only a short ferry ride away from their pharmacies – or they would be, if the road to the ferry had not been destroyed in the recent floods. Residents …

Pharmacies in South Australia’s Riverland district and downstream are bracing themselves for an expected flood disaster over the coming weeks The Pharmacy Guild is keeping a close eye on pharmacies …

A new disaster recovery authority is announced… but is medicines continuity a priority? Following the flood crisis affecting eastern Australia, NSW Parliament passed legislation to establish a new authority responsible …

Disaster planning which includes pharmacy is needed as the climate changes, says one public hospital pharmacy director who sprang into action when Victoria’s flood emergency slammed the area The AJP …

Victoria offers free Japanese Encephalitis jabs while NSW expands monkeypox vaccine access… but community pharmacy is left out in the cold The Pharmacy Guild has expressed disappointment that community pharmacy …

Flood crisis prompts renewed calls for restoration of continued dispensing arrangements The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) is reiterating previous calls for the Federal Government to reinstate full continued dispensing …

Pharmacists are advising the public on how to continue accessing their medicines, despite the rain event punishing the east coast The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has issued a statement saying …

A number of northern NSW pharmacies have been inundated during the continuing flood disaster The devastating floods that have hit southern Queensland and northern NSW have seen a number of …

A digital solution has been key in helping maintain access to medicines during the recent floods Australia’s first digital script list has been vital in helping the rural NSW community …

As those affected by the NSW floods enter the cleanup phase, we speak to one pharmacist who helped pack emergency medications… despite being stranded herself During this week’s flooding in …