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One state provides a much-needed injection of funds into the hospital sector – but pharmacists are left out in the cold, say stakeholders The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia …

Pharmacists were among an estimated 300 hospital workers who staged a walkout to protest against an “extortionate” increase in parking fees On Wednesday, 17 January, around 300 workers at Sydney’s …

In 2016, most UK Accident and Emergency Departments were facing a large and growing workload – so pharmacists were examined as a solution A study published in Integrated Pharmacy Research …

Do you wash your hands if nobody’s looking? Many hospital staff don’t, a new study shows Medical researchers from the University of New South Wales examined hand hygiene rates among …

A US study has found that over a quarter of hospital re-admissions were medication-related and preventable The study, published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, also highlighted the key …

A 14-year-old from Perth spent 24 hours in intensive care after being mistakenly given 11x the correct dose of medication Chris Walton was reportedly given the incorrect dosage of insulin by …

It started when the Pharmacy Guild tweeted its welcome to the focus on avoidable hospital readmissions in Friday’s COAG communique, which identified that too many patients are readmitted following complications …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has welcomed the focus on avoidable hospital readmissions in today’s COAG Communique. In the Communique, Government leaders identified the disturbing fact that far too many …

Excluding pharmacists when their patients are hospitalised or enter other treatment settings causes nothing but trouble, writes Karalyn Huxhagen I recently attended the SHPA Summit in Melbourne and presented in …

Australia’s major public hospitals have recorded a marked fall in the rate of healthcare-associated Golden Staph bloodstream infections, the latest report from the National Health Performance Authority shows. The number …