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But while the announcements have been welcomed by the pharmacy sector, a national solution is needed, one stakeholder warns NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia have all followed in …

A new Government and warnings of a terrible flu season… it’s been an interesting week Over the weekend, Australia ousted the Morrison Coalition Government and voted in Labor, led by …

But the Pharmacy Guild warns that reports of fluctuating prices will be “going straight to the ACCC” The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s NSW Branch has welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement …

Around 25,000 Queenslanders have hit up pharmacies for free jabs in only four days, as the warnings continue to the public of a severe season The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, …

The importance of getting a flu shot this season is being emphasised through the Guild’s television advertising campaign The campaign goes to air nationally from Friday, May 27. The advertisements …

Pharmacists’ workload has increased with the further widening of vaccination in store – but no extra pay A spokesperson for the Queensland branch of the Pharmacy Guild has told the …

Eligibility for a winter COVID-19 booster is being expanded in a move welcomed by pharmacy, as the Guild talks free flu jabs beyond Queensland Acting Health Minister Katy Gallagher has …

An influenza A outbreak in Queensland has sparked a state government decision to make flu jabs free In a joint statement, Queensland Health Minister Yvette D’Ath and state premier Annastacia …

The pharmacy sector has welcomed the announcement that it can provide flu vaccination services to younger kids With the flu on the rise for the first time in three years, …

Pharmacists in South Australia will now be able to immunise a wider range of people, the new Health Minister has announced Late last week South Australian Minister for Health and …

Change continues in the pharmacy vaccination space, with a “winter booster” for COVID and a wider pharmacy presence in flu vax announced. So what else is in store for this …

Community pharmacies across Australia reached another milestone with the seven millionth COVID-19 vaccine being administered by a community pharmacist on Friday National President of the Pharmacy Guild, Professor Trent Twomey, …