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medication reviews

MRNs have been extended again, allowing credentialed pharmacists to keep providing medicines reviews Department of Health and Aged Care Assistant Secretary – Pharmacy Branch, David Laffan, has sent an email …

With the current Medication Review Numbers (MRN) system set to expire at the end of June, pharmacists who use them remain concerned about their future The MRN system was set …

How can patients start conversations about deprescribing – and where can pharmacists come in? Pharmacists were recently offered a consumer perspective As part of MedsAware: Deprescribing Action Week last week …

Pharmacists can’t currently register as NDIS providers to boost quality use of medicines for people with intellectual disability and autism – but a new pilot is addressing an “urgent gap” …

The Accreditation Standards for the credentialling of onsite aged care pharmacists and those conducting Medication Management Reviews have now been approved The Australian Pharmacy Council has said in a statement …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Pharmacist-led medication review in a residential in-reach service leads to deprescribing The introduction of a pharmacist-led medication review service …

What’s life like as an onsite aged care pharmacist? This guest author has the answer… There was movement at the station, for the word had passed around… No, I’m not …

One leading aged care pharmacist has criticised Labor’s decision to fund a sector program through community pharmacies At the same time as he announced that 325 medicines would be available …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Who would be a pharmacist? This paper describes the results on a national representative cross-sectional survey of Australian pharmacists …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Clinical Impact of medication reviews with follow-up in cardiovascular older patients in primary care This cluster-randomised controlled trial was conducted in …

Implementing fall prevention services through community pharmacies can help reduce patients’ risk of falls through pharmacist-led medication reviews and lifestyle recommendations, a study reveals.   As part of a trial …

Study finds some gaps in clinical HMR reports, with less than a third documenting the GP’s reason for referral Despite overall general adherence to HMR guidelines, gaps in clinical HMR …