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medicine shortages

Novo Nordisk “simply doesn’t have the factories” to meet growing demand for Ozempic, Health Minister says  Shortages of Novo Nordisk’s diabetes medication, Ozempic (semaglutide) are likely to continue into 2025, …

Palliative care professionals warn that even the temporary medicines supplied for pain relief under Section 19A have not provided stable supply Long standing challenges around the supply of critical pain …

Pharmacists need to be allowed to decline to dispense 60-day supplies of medications to address shortages, advocacy group says  Australia’s medicines pricing model and the introduction of 60-day dispensing are …

Pharmacists urged to advise patients with prescriptions for Orencia (abatacept) to speak to their specialists as shortages hit  Bristol-Myers Squibb Australia (BMS) has advised the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) that …

TGA may have been premature in declaring supply shortages of Vyvanse are “resolved”, a pharmacist says  Securing supplies of various strengths of ADHA medication, Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesilate) is continuing to …

TGA should crack down on “rogue pharmacists” rather than rolling out a ban on compounding Ozempic (semaglutide), an obesity expert claims  Pragmatism is needed when it comes to regulating the …

Legislative changes are needed to enable pharmacists to manage ongoing medicines supply shortages effectively, a Guild spokesperson says  Governments around the globe are being urged to introduce measures to make …

The TGA has made a Serious Scarcity Substitution Instrument regarding fluoxetine 20mg dispersible tablets To help manage the shortage of the dispersible tablet form of this dose, the Therapeutic Goods …

Recently launched diabetes med with weight loss hype another victim of ‘larger than expected demand’ Mounjaro, the hotly anticipated competitor to social media-hyped diabetes and de facto weight loss drug …

Eli Lilly’s Trulicity had been been ‘go-to’ replacement for in-demand Ozempic Trulicity, the type-2 diabetes preparation which had been a regular stop-gap option when the much-hyped Ozempic was in short …

Prescribers urged not to start new patients on Ozempic, as Novo Nordisk warns of supply shortages throughout 2024  Ozempic supplier, Novo Nordisk, is warning that supply of the diabetes medication …

Sanofi-Aventis has notified the TGA that the tablet form of its vigabatrin product, Sabril, is in shortage The Therapeutic Goods Administration has said in a statement that the shortage has …