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We’ve received a deluge of comments from our readers on the controversial S3 vape legislation. Here’s a selection of reader comments From 1 July, pharmacies are the only retailers authorised …

WHO and FIP jointly call for pharmacists to be upskilled to effectively deliver tobacco cessation interventions Pharmacists can play an important role in tobacco cessation because they collectively reach millions …

Approved cessation products to help treat nicotine vaping withdrawal will be legally available without a script following scheduling decision Nicotine replacement therapy to help people quit vaping nicotine may become …

With pharmacies to become the only legal source of nicotine vaping products from 1 March, a study has found that pharmacists and authorised prescribers may differ on their use for …

Tobacco use remains a leading cause of preventable disease and death in Australia. However, pharmacists are in a powerful position to assist patients with smoking cessation. In this article, Jennifer …

Much work remains to be done ahead of the 1 October start of Prescription-only e-cigarette sales, with tobacco licenses for pharmacies not ruled out Many of the regulations and requirements …

Pharmacist politician Emma McBride has waded into the e-cigarettes debate, saying there is no evidence they are safe or less harmful than combustible cigarettes On Monday, Labor MP Mike Freelander …

Don’t give in to pressure to water down proposed regulations around prescription-only vaping, e-cigarettes, Senator tells government A motion has been moved in the Senate calling for the government to …

Experts have welcomed the move to prohibit imports of e-cigarette products containing nicotine without a script, but others have concerns The Therapeutic Goods Administration advised last week that the Federal …

E-cigarettes containing nicotine are set to be banned from importation, in a move welcomed by doctor groups The Therapeutic Goods Administration has advised that the Australian Government plans to ask …

The Victorian Government is the latest stakeholder to express concern about vaping, saying e-liquids are becoming increasingly more dangerous The Andrews Labor Government has launched a new campaign to raise …

A “tragic accident” which killed a toddler has led a coroner to propose an awareness campaign about e-cigarette liquids The child, identified only as “Baby J” in court documents, died …