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Fracture risk from bone fragility increases with age. Osteoporosis and osteopenia affect more than six million Australians. The main factor predisposing to bone fragility is advanced age. Bone loss is …

Greater awareness of the risk factors for osteoporosis may help encourage early intervention and reduce fracture rates, writes Leanne Philpott Osteoporosis often goes undiagnosed until the first fracture occurs  Discussing …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Approach to schizophrenia Schizophrenia is the most common of a group of psychotic disorders that occur in approximately 3% of the …

Greater awareness of the risk factors for osteoporosis may help encourage early intervention and reduce fracture rates Despite continued focus and advocacy to raise awareness and reduce the impact of …

Andropause refers to a set of symptoms experienced by men with low testosterone levels. Pharmacists play a key role in supporting patients who may be experiencing these symptoms regardless of …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Optimal use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy The most effective intervention for stopping smoking is a combination of professional counselling and pharmacotherapy. …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Chemical analysis of fresh and aged Australian e‐cigarette liquids E‐cigarettes are increasingly popular in Australia; however, this study highlights that Australian …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Stopping osteoporosis medications The successful management of osteoporosis involves a long-term strategy for each patient as well as drug holidays during …

Pharmacists have a key role to play in the prevention of osteoporosis, raising awareness of the risk factors, facilitating further investigation and assisting with treatment adherence More than 1.3 million …

Chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, medication-related problems and community-based medication reviews are among new pharmacy projects green-lighted by the Federal Government Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced that the Australian Government …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Are glucosamine and chondroitin natural remedies for osteoarthritis? Evidence from systematic reviews of glucosamine 15000mg/day and chondroitin 800-1200mg/day do not find …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Smoking reduction interventions for smoking cessation Evidence suggests that neither reducing smoking to quit nor quitting abruptly results in superior quit …