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TGA rules out a general sale option for small effervescent, child resistant, paracetamol packs The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has confirmed a preliminary decision to reject a proposal to allow …

Should paracetamol and ibuprofen be displayed for sale where children can reach them? What about right next to chocolate bars? One stakeholder weighs in The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of …

A raft of new scheduling decisions have been revealed, with a number of medicines set to be downscheduled, but no alteration to planned paracetamol changes A number of decisions have …

New research indicates the upscheduling of modified-release paracetamol has had no impact on rates of overdose, with calls for it to go to prescription only  A new Australian study has …

Have you ever wondered what are the biggest selling over-the-counter products around the country? There’s some surprises when you look at the top 10 best sellers  1. Sugar… The biggest …

This podcast consists of two episodes. Episode 1 discusses the use of simple analgesics for self-limiting pain. Episode 2 discusses the management of fever and discomfort in infants and toddlers …

Pharmacy Guild and other groups voice support for a new Schedule 3 listing for celecoxib The Pharmacy Guild of Australia and other peak health stakeholder groups have supported a decision …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Nicotine promotes e-cigarette vapour-induced lung inflammation and structural alterations In vitro exposure to nicotine-containing e-cigarette vapour extract induces cell type-specific effects …

It’s efficacious, it’s widely used and it’s easily accessed…and it’s sometimes deadly. Dr Santosh Rudrawar, Denise L Hope and A/Prof Michelle A King BPharm investigate paracetamol and the upcoming changes …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Comparative Effectiveness of Umeclidinium/Vilanterol versus Inhaled Corticosteroid/Long-Acting β2-Agonist in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Among patients with COPD without exacerbations …

The TGA has published its final decision on paracetamol access, reducing the maximum size of some packs – which one pharmacy leader says will reduce shortages Following its interim decision …

Rescheduling modified release paracetamol to Pharmacist Only did not significantly reduce overdose, researchers write Rose Cairns, Firouzeh Noghrehchi and Nicholas Buckley have examined the impact of the June 2020 decision …