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Pharmacy has a prominent role in the supply and provision of biosimilar medicines, and the profession has been slow to come to terms with this. Is the situation now changing? …

Mixed messages from the Department of Health over two-month prescriptions, as new documents say pharmacist mark-ups will impact consumer and taxpayer savings New Department of Health documents reveal that two-month …

Pharmacy group estimates average loss of $85k in gross profit per pharmacy if 60-day dispensing proposal goes forward With the 60-day dispensing proposal still on the table, the Rural Pharmacy …

Decision on PPI double dosing deferred by PBAC, but support given to antibiotic listing changes The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) has deferred a decision on whether to allow twice …

Are two month prescriptions back on the government’s agenda? Recommendations made by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) that prescription lengths be doubled to two months for a range of medicines …

PBAC reveals the latest raft of new recommendations made on PBS drugs The latest recommendations made by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee have been released, with new listings for naloxone …

Nine new blockbuster drugs headed our way soon: report A series of new ‘blockbuster’ drugs are expected to hit Australian shores in the next 12-24 months, a new report claims. …

An HIV prevention advocate has vowed to keep fighting for pre exposure prophylaxis to be PBS listed Following the announcement by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee that it will defer …

Consumers’ group deputy head now gains a senior role on key PBS committee Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced that Jo Watson, deputy chair of the Consumers Health Forum …

A higher than usual degree of pharmacovigilance is required when patients are switched to new biosimilar medications, say Australian experts Writing in the latest Australian Prescriber two pharmacy academics have stressed …

But NOACs have contributed to an overall growth in the anticoagulant market Based on the volume of prescriptions, use of novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in Australia has grown since their …

Stakeholders have expressed disappointment in the PBAC’s restatement of its decision to delist Panadol Osteo, and concerns that patients may turn to stronger alternatives to manage their pain. The PBAC …