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A new HIV medicine is now available on the PBS to add to the range of treatment options available for people living with HIV in Australia.

New findings released by Newspoll show overwhelming support for access to new cancer medicines through the PBS for Australian patients. Newspoll found 97% of Australians strongly support the subsidisation of …

Medicines Australian Chairman, Dr Martin Cross has welcomed ongoing collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and Government in addition to further improvements to the Governments post-market review program, which was announced …

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement will open up vast new markets for Australian companies, including manufacturers of innovative medicines and vaccines, Medicines Australia CEO, Tim James, said today. “Pharmaceuticals …

The fourth Intergenerational Report reaffirms the sustainability of the PBS, says Medicines Australia. Its CEO, Tim James, welcomed the release of the 2015 report, and says it acknowledges that growth …

Australian cancer patients don’t have time to wait for access to new cancer drugs, says Medicines Australia. In its submission to the Senate Inquiry into the availability of new, innovative …

Medicines Australia is calling on the Australian Government to recognise the ongoing sustainability of the PBS resulting from reforms introduced in collaboration with the industry, in its submission to the …

Janssen-Cilag has withdrawn a diabetes drug from the PBS after the Health Department requested a price cut of close to 40%

Medicines Australia’s critical analysis of successive Intergenerational Reports (IGR) demonstrates that previous successive IGRs seriously overestimated PBS expenditure as a proportion of GDP, and highlights the pitfalls of ignoring significant …

Government spending on the PBS per head of population has been in decline for almost three years, reinforcing the sustainability of the current scheme, the Medicines Partnership Australia says. The …